A Very Rivendell Christmas

I usually post on Sundays, and this Sunday is Christmas. A holiday themed post is required. But to be honest, I’m not really feeling the holidays this year. 2016, globally speaking, has been a dumpster fire. Personally, it’s been a mixed bag in which even the many good things were still very hard. After the election, I felt compelled to make the holidays extra joyful this year, but only managed to wear myself out. Judging by the number of Mordor-themed memes in my social media feed, I’m not alone in this.  Continue reading

Clips Update

courtesy Gratisography.com

courtesy Gratisography.com

In November I took three generations of my family on a vacation to a remote island and I truly hope to share the details of that magical place here on the blog soon. But vacations don’t get me off the hook from the hustle, and I did manage to get a few pieces published in the past few weeks.

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