July by the Numbers

I’m not sure why anyone besides me would be interested in reading about my blog statistics, but these “Numbers” posts seem to get read as much as any, and they’re easy, so here’s another one. The most notable number this month is that page views so far for 2014 are higher than last year’s total. So thank you all very much.

Top referrers linking to this page:

Google search




LinkedIn – This is the first time LinkedIn has sent any noticeable traffic to the blog.

Top Links clicked away from this page:

pictures in the posts – I guess I’ll have to get better at photography.

Bookslut – The Bookslut is awesome. Go read it.

WYS Words – Jennie Locati is awesome. Go read her blog.

Top Posts:

Frisky Business

Butchart Gardens

In Memoriam: Oscar

Stalking Asgeir Trausti

Top Countries – The usual suspects: US, Canada, UK, Iceland

Top Searches:

panty contest – Probably because of this. I will never live it down.

valtari fjögur píanó video analysis – Probably because of this, but I’m not sure why it jumped so high this month. Maybe a film class assignment?

asgeir trausti girlfriend – I swear, if all I cared about was page views, that Stalking post is enough to make me give up on books and travel and start an Asgeir fan page.

bastard feast – I saw these guys at Showbox a while back. Someone has been looking for them.

Best Searches:

gojira mastodon loudest – Was somebody trying to settle a bet? This is what they found.

Archaic language in Year of Wonders – At Iceland Writers Retreat, the author of Year of Wonders, Geraldine Brooks, talked about research. She told us about a historical thesaurus where you could look up a word and find out what people would have used in any given time period for the past several centuries. For example, in her book Caleb’s Crossing, she needed the narrator to talk about a fetus, but knew that her character would never have used that word. With the historical thesaurus, she discovered that in the 1600s, a fetus was called a shapeling. Just think of how much was added to the story by her possession of that word.

finnish hot dog stand – That’s just cool. This image of Iceland’s most famous hot dog stand probably brought them here, but I wish I had what they wanted.

The actual hot dog stand where I fell off the wagon.

The actual hot dog stand where I fell off the wagon.

reykjavik haircut – I can’t remember writing about it, but when I was at Iceland Writers Retreat I remember noticing that the semi-shaved head that was rocked by Asgeir Trausti and Nanna from Of Monsters and Men in 2012 had been replaced up and down Laugavegur by Miley Cyrus’ haircut.

and my ALL-TIME FAVORITE search term:

when I cough I taste metal opera

PS – I have noticed that I reference Iceland Writers Retreat with a frequency that echoes Alyson Hannigan’s character talking about band camp in American Pie. Yes, Iceland Writers Retreat is that cool. In fact, I’m going to start saying it that way. This one time, at Iceland Writers Retreat.


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